Why Water?
Because Clean Water
Did You Know?
In Indonesia, more than 10% of children under the age of 5
die from diarrheal diseases caused by dirty drinking water
Terra aims to get safe drinking water into the homes of the most vulnerable populations in Indonesia. We have been working extensively since 2020 with a network of local and international organizations that help us identify and deliver filters to families with the most need, and educate them on good WASH practices.


Poor health is a main contributor to poverty for families, and death in children under the age of 5. The stress from families with small children is lessened by introducing Terra filters and educating on good water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices.


Using renewable sources from the ground, tap, rivers, and rain means that families have water in abundance. With the Terra filter, women and children don't need wood or natural gas to boil water which leads to deforestation and global warming, both negatively affecting our environment.
Terra filters save families time and money, up to 6 hours/day and approximately Rp. 6,000,000 ($430) over 2 years compared to plastic bottles. Also, healthcare costs diminish because diarrheal diseases disappear resulting in opportunities for women to work and a better future for kids.
Values of
Terra Filters
We believe that everyone deserves a life full of abundance and wellness. Terra Filters help to achieve that.


To Use



Solutions for People And Planet
At Terra, sustainability and social responsibility are not just words in our everyday vocabulary;
they are a call to action. We are committed to finding sustainable solutions that positively impact the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the communities we work and live in.
Learn about our impact.
As a social and environmentally focused social enterprise, Terra aligns with every single goals of the UN SDG’s. Terra is committed to provide free access to clean, safe drinking water in the most sustainable way possible for everyone while simultaneously empowering the local communities by involving them in the whole process.

Terra filters help lift families out of poverty because they decrease spending on water and healthcare—making them more productive which leads to more stable employment.

Stable jobs mean more income and therefore, food on the table. Safe drinking water also decreases malnutrition and stunting—both big problems in Indonesia.

Dirty drinking water is the #1 cause of death in children under 5. Terra filters increase the chances kids stay healthy.

Research has proven that kids that are healthy are more likely to go to school.

Women and girls are usually responsible for drinking water in the home. By reducing the time it takes to fetch and make safe drinking water for the family, Terra filters provide women an opportunity to work or go to school.

Terra not only provides filters—which make safe drinking water by taking out 100% of bacteria and parasites, but we provide water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) education to every family so they can maximize the potential for a health home.

Water filters in the home minimize the use of wood-fired cook stoves. Cooking with biomass in the home leads to deforestation and long-term respiratory infections.

Terra Water treats our employees with respect. We pay fair wages and benefits, and nurture a work culture of teamwork including a shared mission to get safe drinking water to everyone, naturally and responsibly.

As a social enterprise, Terra is proving that a company can be sustainable and do good. Our goal is continue innovating in order to make life-saving filters that preserve ancient techniques and match every lifestyle.

When everyone has safe drinking water, a basic human right, it supports families towards health and a sense of wellbeing, important characteristics needed to compete in the workforce.

We work with exceptional local partners to educate on waste reduction, microplastics, and health. Our retail and social programs are always community driven so we can ensure the sustainability of our products and services long term.

Terra only uses local 100% naturally renewable materials to make our filters through a 100% zero waste manufacturing process. Not only that, the filters are healthier than drinking from plastic bottles because they eliminate most microplastics.

A water bottle company uses more than 600 times the CO2 to make the same amount of water as Terra’s water filter factory. We are committed to educating families on switching from water in plastic bottles and using biomass to boil their water.

Indonesia is the world's second-largest marine plastic polluter in the world with 40 tons per day going into our oceans. Over the 2-year lifespan of a filter, a family replaces over 5,200 single-use plastic bottles.

In Indonesia, much of the water we use comes from surface and groundwater. Every time we throw plastic water bottles in the river, or into the each those microplastics and chemicals leach into our soil affecting all animals on land, those we eat and those we don’t.

There is already so much conflict in the world we hope that water never becomes something people fight over. After all, it is a basic human right.

Terra works with great local partners in government, non-government, university, and private institutions to ensure that our goals are aligned and also help hold us accountable so our actions speak louder than our words.